ODI is proud of its long-term relationship with the HR Professional Body – SABPP (South African Board of People Practices). Visit their website at https://www.sabpp.co.za/. ODI is particularly proud to support the professional designation HR Specialist: Productivity. To be considered for this designation, a learner needs to complete the National Certificate: Productivity NQF5. […]
Short Courses and CPD
Short courses are often a very good way to fill some gaps in your knowledge and skills. ODI offers short courses that are not credit bearing, but instead, they are designed to fulfil a particular need in a company. Most Skills Programmes can also be offered as Short Courses. Clients have the option of receiving […]
Skills Programmes
Doing a full learnership is always a good idea, as there are so many benefits attached to it, HOWEVER, there certainly are times when a shorter intervention is required, to obtain some quicker gains for the organisation. The Skills Programmes offered by ODI have been carefully selected to offer such interventions, to ensure maximum benefits. […]
ODI E-Learning Academy
The ODI E-Learning Academy believes in the 20 Keys philosophy of making something better, faster, and more cost effective. This is what e-learning is all about. For many businesses, it is a priority to improve the skills of their employees, and face-to-face classroom training is not always possible. ODI, however, believes that a blended approach, […]
SETA and QCTO Learnerships
ODI has primary accreditation with the Services Sector Education & Training Authority (decision number 0228). ODI also has further programme approval to provide qualifications, learnerships, and skills programmes through merSETA and SABPP. The learnerships offered by ODI are carefully selected, to support companies on their journey of Continuous Improvement. Our Supervision for Energised WorkTeams programme […]
20 Keys – Continuous Operations Improvement
Many organisations attempt to improve by striving to learn the “secrets of world class organisations” and by implementing various projects, initiatives and programmes. Yet, despite this, few organisations have achieved sustainable success. One of the main reasons for this is that it is often not appreciated that successful companies follow a comprehensive approach towards continuous […]