The purpose of the workshop is to ensure that candidates have the knowledge and skills needed to mentor and coach in a business environment. Upon completion, candidates will be able to:
- Understand the benefits of mentoring and coaching.
- Identify employees who are in need of mentoring and coaching.
- Communicate effectively in explaining the mentoring process.
- Plan the needed sessions, to initiate the mentoring process.
- Provide mentoring guidance and support.
- Build positive learning relationships with mentees.
- Monitor and measure the results of a mentoring programme.
The workshop will cover the following aspects:
- Skills required to be an effective mentor.
- How to develop a mentorship programme.
- Provide mentoring, guidance and support through the five stages of the mentoring life cycle:
- Identify and select employees who will benefit from receiving guidance from a mentor. Match mentees, and mentors.
- Draw up a learning contract/personal learning plan. Plan the mentoring and coaching process. Set goals, and determine the feasibility of these goals.
- Work and learn together. Develop a positive learning relationship.
- Review and evaluate progress. Keep records of progress meetings. Monitor and measure the results of coaching sessions.
- Moving on.
2 Days