Short courses are often a very good way to fill some gaps in your knowledge and skills.
ODI offers short courses that are not credit bearing, but instead, they are designed to fulfil a particular need in a company. Most Skills Programmes can also be offered as Short Courses.
Clients have the option of receiving CPD certificates for these interventions. ODI is registered with SABPP, the professional body through which these certificates are issued.
Some Principles of CPD as Stated by SABPP
CPD is more than taking courses, or attending seminars; it requires that the professional strives for a balance between knowledge and experience
A “CPD-rating’ of a learning event is an indication that the quality has been tested and approved, and a rating allocated to the event for CPD points on the Board’s framework. A verification of attendance will also be supplied to the SABPP, by the provider of the course.
Our Learning Offering
Short Courses
20 Keys Implementation Project Management
Effective management of the implementation of the 20 Keys system.
20 Keys Fundamentals and Implementation Workshop
Overview of the 20 Keys system, and approach for successful implementation thereof.
Process Capability Improvement
Understand process variation, and implementation of statistical techniques for operations improvement.
Root Cause Analysis for Effective Operations Improvement
Understand the concepts for effective root cause analyses, and the use of the Fishbone Diagram.
The 5S Process for Safe and Efficient Workplace Organisation
Implement a structured process for creating and sustaining a high level of safe and organised workplaces.
Effective Problem Solving and Innovation Management
Strengthen problem solving, and innovation management skills at first-line team level.
Optimising Equipment Performance through Best Practice Maintenance
Implement a holistic system for optimising machine and equipment performance.
Activity Sampling for Increasing Value Adding Work Rates
Use activity sampling as a technique for assessing the amount of value adding being done in the workplace.
Quick Changeover Methodology
Implement quick changeover of machine techniques, as well as quick information retrieval of information.
Lean Workflow (Production/Manufacturing and Office Environments)
Implement techniques for streamlining the flow of value through the supply chain.
First-line Productivity Management
Empower first-line teams to be autonomous “mini businesses”, taking responsibility for managing and improving operations productivity, and other team related issues, in support of departmental and business objectives.
Supervision for Energised WorkTeams – An Energiser
This is an interactive workshop, focussing on the skills needed by supervisors to run effective teams.
Effective Coaching and Mentoring
Equip employees with the knowledge and skills needed to mentor and coach in a business environment.
Safety Leadership
This short course aims to develop courageous Safety Leaders for the workplace (every employee is a safety leader) and to reset the culture of safety.