NQF Level
14Building Block towards Certificate ID
4 Days
Create an effective organisation structure, with goal alignment at all levels. This sets the foundation for small groups, who get together to solve problems.
Within the structure, the various workgroups are organised as “mini-businesses”, or MBs. Each MB is guided by Quality, Cost, Delivery, Safety, and Morale performance indicators (QCDSM measures).
From data collected within the MB, small groups get together to solve problems. These problem solving groups are called SGAs (small group activities). An SGA consists of a small group who “brainstorms” specific problems relating to Quality, Cost Effectiveness, Delivery, Safety, and Morale, and who then addresses identified issues, by using the SGA methodology, and various tools and techniques. Small groups also engage everyone with thinking about improvements, which might not necessarily require a small group for improvement (suggestions and innovations).
Performance Areas covered include:
- Mini-business and mini-business areas.
- Visual management.
- Continuous improvement.
- Empowering your team.
- Problem solving and decision making.
- Standard operating procedure (SOP).
- Skill versatility.