The 8th South Africa 20 Keys Conference and Study Tour and the 24th International Conference and Study Tour (there is a tour every second year in a different country).
ODI’s study tours provide valuable learnings by hearing about and observing, first hand, best operating practices. Time is also made available for interacting with speakers at the conference as well as personnel of companies visited.
Presentation on 20 Keys implementation by Japanese company Toyo Agriculture. They have been busy implementing 20 Keys for 30 years! Conference in Johannesburg, with close to 200 delegates attending Delegates from Kapci Coatings in Egypt, a leading paint manufacturer in the Midlle East and world Dr Kobayashi, Johan Benadie (ODI) and senior managers from Nampak Plastics South Africa (20 factories implementing 20 Keys) Dr Kobayshi and the Meadows Paarl team Dr Kobayshi and the Debswana (diamond mining in Botswana) delegation Happy faces from Meadows Paarl (South Africa), one of ODI’s Excellence Awards companies Delegates from Debswana (Botswana) and Toyo Agriculture (Japan) discussing learning points Dr Yoshiyuki Kobayashi (from PDI Japan, developers of 20 Keys & ODI partner for the last 25 years) and Shereen Mosallam (ODI partner in Egypt and the Middle East) Huibie Jones with a graduate Charlo Golding. Charlo was awarded Top Performer for NQF4 Generic Management at the 2016, 8th SA 20 Keys Conference. Charlo Golding SONDOR INDUSTRIES Friends from Silafrica, implementing 20 Keys in Tanzania and Kenya since 2010
To read more about the 10th International Study Mission to Japan, which will take place from 21 to 26 October 2018, click here.
To read more about the history of the 20 Keys Continuous Operations Improvement system, click here.