Implementing continuous improvement to increase productivity in an organisation is more than merely drawing up action plans and implementing them. To be successful and sustainable, it requires a transformation of the organisation’s culture. Only when continuous improvement has become ingrained in an organisation’s culture (the way we do things), can one be assured that the initiative will be sustained.
The aim of continuous improvement is to increase productivity and create self-sustaining departments as they contribute towards the company’s overall objectives.
Consisting of 9 modules, ODI’s Learnership NQF5 in Productivity, is based on a proven methodology for sustainable business improvement.
Recently, Wispeco Aluminium: Sheerline’s Nicky Titus (Admin & Operations Manager), gave an awe inspiring FISA presentation and captured the lessons learnt whilst completing her 9 modules with ODI.
- Lesson 1:
Any change to the current way of doing things will bring a resistance to change.
- Lesson 2:
The first step to any change process it to get all role-players to understand and accept that there is a need to for change and the benefits of change and who will benefit from it. Everything in-between is a systematic approach of implementing a program of continuous improvement in all areas of the business. Using a SWOT analysis is a good tool to indicate this.
- Lesson 3:
We are hoarders! The 5S’ have systematically put us in motion for a more efficient workplace and highlighted a lot of wastes especially in time & motion.
- Lesson 4:
Not everything needs to be implemented by Management. SGAs and problem-solving techniques have helped a lot in developing a more independent & interdependent workforce. We now are able to dissect an issue quicker and come to a resolution within the group. If is it beyond the authority levels, it comes to Management but now with a list of options for Management to authorise. Before it was left up to Management to research, resolve, and implement. In some cases, a problem leads to an idea to be implemented in another part of the work process!
- Lesson 5:
We are guilty of wasting our own time! Some processes have made us stop and think about WHY we are doing it. Are we doing it because “that’s the way it’s always been done”? Or is there a valid justification for each step in the process? Some changes were minor, others were big. The Value Stream Map made it simple to see the process as a whole from start to finish. It was a good visualisation aid.
Biggest lesson learnt:
Not forgetting to CELEBRATE the wins/successes/improvements. It is a step in the CAPDo Cycle.
ODI has primary accreditation with the Services Sector Education & Training Authority (decision number 0228). ODI also has further programme approval to provide qualifications, learnerships, and skills programmes through merSETA and SABPP.
The learnerships offered by ODI are carefully selected, to support companies on their journey of Continuous Improvement.