CPD stands for Continuous Professional Development and is the term used to describe the learning activities professionals engage in to develop and enhance their abilities.
Engaging in Continuous Professional Development is an ongoing process and allows individuals to continually ‘up skill’ or ‘re-skill’. Also, it is a great opportunity to spend time with colleagues and like-minded people, wanting to improve themselves in their chosen professions.
At a recent 2-day workshop held at Irene Country lodge in Pretoria, the ODI team used the opportunity to discuss our learning with our colleagues and help identify new areas for development and ideas for other development activities.
Working to achieve an organisation’s overall strategy, and aligning goals gets everyone on the same page and moving in the same direction. That is what Key 2 of the 20 Keys system for continuous improvement is all about – Goal Alignment.
A commitment to life-long learning and improvement is at the heart of what we do at ODI. Making use of the 20 Keys system for continuous improvement, the ODI team revisited the key concepts of Key 2:
- Effective organisation structure, with clearly defined responsibilities
- Coaching on employee performance development
- Defining and cascading vision, mission, values, and goals down to all organisation levels
- Implementing mini-businesses
- Aligning top-down leadership, and bottom-up participation
Reflecting on what we’ve learned and what we’ll do differently as a result, was an energising experience. Spending time together, asking ourselves how we can improve, and opening our minds to new possibilities, once again hi-lighted the importance of continuous improvement and goal alignment at all levels.
ODI is a globally represented productivity and management consulting company. We support organisations to bring about a revolution with productivity of people, processes, and technology, by engaging all their people. To contact us, click here.