ODI now also provides online operations excellence training and implementation support, at your convenience!
We are offering an online service for 20 Keys training and implementation support. The service, based on the 20 Keys system, is tailored to your specific needs, according to the stage of your operations excellence journey. Support varies from individual and group-training sessions, to Key Leader action plan progress reviews, and next steps discussions, using specific tools and techniques, implementation of small group projects, and any other relevant support. The service is available on an hourly basis; scheduled according to your availability, time constraints, and convenience.
This service is in addition to the 20 Keys e-Learning courses (for each of the 20 Keys) that are also offered online, and for which we already have a substantial number of registered learners. The courses consist of studying a particular Key (the manual is available online), then doing a Quiz on it, which must be passed (a few tries are allowed), after which the learner needs to complete a practical, in the workplace, project. All instructions are available online. Evidence on the project is then submitted online, with relevant documentation, statistics, photos, etc. It is marked, with comments and advice on strengthening it (a few tries/refinements are allowed). When the project is accepted, a Completion of Course Certificate is issued. For organisations, the benefit is not just more understanding of the Keys, but tangible
- Quality,
- Cost Effectiveness,
- Delivery,
- Safety and
- Morale improvements from the projects.
ODI provides support, and where more than one person enrol per Key, we also have WhatsApp groups (per Key), where questions and advice are discussed.
Please contact Johan Benadie at johan.benadie@odi.co.za (082 415 0102) for a discussion on your specific needs.