Someone once said to me that the only way to improve a country’s productivity is to do it factory by factory, mine by mine, organisation by organisation. For the individual organisation this is also true, operations excellence is done process by process, department by department. At Astral Foods, the Agricultural Division is following the same approach – plant by plant, site by site, farm by farm and hatchery by hatchery.
A number of the business units in the division already achieved the 20 Keys International Excellence Award. The Goldi Broiler Experimental Farm team at Standerton also took up the challenge and worked hard at it over a period of time. The Experimental Farm is situated in Standerton; it is a facility where mainly broiler rearing trails are conducted to shape the direction of Astral Food’s focus to best broiler farming.
Over the last year there was a dedicated effort on improving key performance indicators regarding QCDSM (Quality, Cost effectiveness, Delivery, Safety and Morale). This is an important part of the Excellence Award as it is not only about having high levels of best practice implementations regarding People, Processes, Systems and Technology but also excelling in terms of QCDSM results. With the final Excellence Award such KPIs are evaluated by looking at sustainable trends over a period of 3 to 4 years against industry best practice standards. The information from the farm indicated a sustained improvement over the time period, with current performance exceeding standards, and also satisfied the other requirements of the Excellence Award.
Well done to the farm team of Mlu, Charles, Derick, Mxolise, Gladys and Mzikayifani (they call themselves “The Srutinizers”), as well as Dougie, Freddie and Elane for their support to the team!
Pictured here, the team at the farm receiving the award from Johan Benadie: Director at ODI
Dougie Greaves, Broiler and Contract Grower for the region, and the team
Freddie Matthews, Goldi Broiler Operational manager, and the team
Elane Steinbach, 20 Keys Facilitator, and the team
Mlungisi Gwala, Experimental Broiler Farm Manager, with his team
Toasting success!
Let’s celebrate!
Author: Johan Benadie: Director at ODI.
To read more about National Chicks, Boschkop & Klipkop Rearing and Laying farms that joined the Exclusive Club, click here.