In Astral’s Meadows Feed Mill in Port Elizabeth there are lots of expensive production equipment – typical of capital intensive equipment plants. When Kate van der Walt (Nutritionist), joined ODI’s e-learning course for Key 9 of the 20 Keys Management Improvement system, she realised that the NIR machine in the laboratory, is as critical as the production machines, in terms of ensuring on-time delivery to customers. Kate decided to select this topic as her project as part of the e-Learning course. Well done to Kate who is the first Astral Foods learner to complete an e-Learning course!
In her own words:
“The 20 Keys system for improvement is like 20 Key Safety Boxes, that need to be opened. Once you start opening these boxes, you will be amazed at what you discover.
I was given Key 9 to work with. Once I unlocked my box, I discovered a whole new world. As a nutritionist, I have no clue about maintenance in the factory nor on “How to maintain machines and equipment”. Boy-oh-boy, was I in for a new experience in my life…
Thanks to the excellent 20 Keys admin. staff for support (e-mail, phone calls and WhatsApp group) and ODI’s Director – Johan Benadie, I was on my way to complete my assignments in less than the 2 month deadline.
I took a small machine (800mm x 300mm x 900mm) compared to the rest of the machines in the factory, but that specific NIR FOSS 500 model machine, is our Key machine that is responsible for making our factory run. Without the machine the entire quality side of our production line will stand still and we won’t be able to produce feed for the animals.
During this process I realised that Key 9 needs all the other remaining 19 Keys’ input to make a success of it! I didn’t realise at the beginning of the course, that all the Keys are interlocking with each other.
In our personal lives, Key 9 – the model machine, can be your cell phone. Without it, your life would be more difficult to work in (e-mails, internet, calls, maps, shopping, internet banking… you get my picture?).
So what is your excuse? Why have you not started completing your Keys? It’s very easy to come up with excuses as to why you have not started or completed your assignments. But at the end of every day, you make time and plan for the following –
- tea breaks
- lunch breaks
- smoke breaks
- small talk with your colleagues
- appointments
- …….. you get my list and you can fill in the rest of the gaps.
So why all the excuses for not doing your Key assignments???
If you are confused, ask the 20 Keys Admin Support group on WhatsApp or phone Johan Benadie and he will assist you.
But it all comes down to integrity – if you want to do it you will, but if you use the first excuse that comes up in your head as to why you have not started nor completed the assignments in the 2 month deadline, then you will never accomplish it.
Stop making excuses – JUST DO IT! and unlock your Key’s potential!”
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