This is a fable of the Beekeepers and their bees: Bees Pty Ltd, and shows the importance of setting objectives, based on the outcome of activities, rather than on the activities themselves.
This is a fable of the Beekeepers and their bees: Bees Pty Ltd, and shows the importance of setting objectives, based on the outcome of activities, rather than on the activities themselves.
The enthusiasm at County Fair Muldersvlei Farms to make the work environment more productive and organised, was tangible. The project was driven by Chantel Williams and formed part of her Key 1 E-Learning programme.
In Astral’s Meadows Feed Mill in Port Elizabeth there are lots of expensive production equipment – typical of capital intensive equipment plants. When Kate van der Walt (Nutritionist), joined ODI’s e-learning course for Key 9 of the 20 Keys Management Improvement system, she realised that the NIR machine in the labo
This is the first of a two-part series about ODI and Key 2 & Key 15, of the 20 Keys system for continuous improvement Keys 2 & 15 of the 20 Keys system for continuous improvement, featured very strongly at ODI’s recent strategy meeting held at The African Pride Irene Country Lodge in Gauteng. ODI’s Chai
GWK Trading and the 20 Keys system Forona Stephens: Human Resources Business Partner at GWK writes: On Friday, 30 August 2019, 10 of us from GWK Trading visited Wispeco Aluminium, and experienced first-hand, the application of the 20 Keys system. Wispeco, a company that initially suffered great losses, is a success sto
At ODI’s recent one-day conference where we celebrated 30 years of operations excellence, several companies from various industries presented their case studies of business excellence and shared their achievements. Len Hansen – Consultant at Astral Operations, presented: “My Journey with Organisational Development Inte
This is the last of a 3-part series about organisational culture when implementing improvement initiatives. In the two previous blogs I explained that: Organisational culture is not only a key factor in distinguishing between individual companies, but between entire industries. Organisational culture is an important fo
Working on an assignment at an extrusion company in South Africa, I had ten minutes to spare between appointments when my eye caught sight of a large workshop that was very disorganised and cluttered. Knowing a good transformation opportunity when I see one, I couldn’t resist walking over and introducing myself to Sams