Implementation of model workplaces is an effective way in which to energise implementation of the 20 Keys system and to bring about quick and visible change.
With the 20 Keys implementation of safe and efficiently organised workplaces, the control and organisation of stores (like materials used in the production process, machine parts and consumables) are very important as it impacts on safety, efficient working, cost saving and ensuring a smooth flow of production.
Key 1 of the 20 Keys system for continuous improvement is all about cleaning and organising to make work easy.
The implementation approach is to:
- train teams in Key 1,
- allocate responsibility areas, and
- implement the CAPDo (Check, Analyse, Plan and Do) cycle for continuous improvement.
- Do regular progress reviews (Check), with Key 1 check-sheet and map
20 Keys is the vehicle towards continuous improvement. Management support is crucial on a continuous improvement journey. At County Fair Lab, Wendy Bosman is busy with her Key 1 practical activity. She has done quite a lot already since our last ODI visit during February 2020. Elizna van Dyk: Operational Manager Veterinary Services at County Fair, is supporting Wendy in her Key 1 implementation.
ODI is offering an online service for 20 Keys training and implementation support. The service, based on the 20 Keys system, is tailored to your specific needs, and according to the stage of your operations excellence journey.
Support varies from individual and group-training sessions, to Key Leader action plan progress reviews, and next steps discussions, using specific tools and techniques, implementation of small group projects, and any other relevant support. The service is available on an hourly basis; scheduled according to your availability, time constraints, and convenience. To read more, click here.