Safety Leadership is the foundation of a strong safety culture in an organisation.

A safety culture is one in which employees take an active role in promoting and maintaining a safe working environment. To establish a safety culture, it is essential for leaders to demonstrate and promote safe behaviors.

Some of the vital behaviors for Safety Leadership include:
- Lead by example – Leaders should be the first to follow safety protocols and procedures.
- Communicate openly – Leaders should encourage open communication of safety concerns and be responsive to employees’ needs.
- Encourage employee involvement – Leaders should involve employees in identifying and solving safety problems.
- Recognize and reward safe behaviors – Leaders should reward and recognize employees who exhibit safe behaviors.
- Continuous improvement – Leaders should continuously look for ways to improve safety and reduce accidents.

Safety Leaders must also continuously educate themselves and their employees about safety regulations and procedures. By demonstrating their commitment to safety and promoting a culture of safety,
- leaders can help prevent accidents,
- reduce losses, and
- improve overall workplace morale.
In conclusion, Safety Leadership plays a critical role in establishing a safety culture within an organization. By demonstrating vital behaviors such as leading by example, communication, employee involvement, recognition and continuous improvement, leaders can foster a culture where safety is a top priority.

Author: Maryke Snyman: Senior Manager: Learning & Development

Gold Fields South Deep Mine understands the importance of Safety First and together with ODI’s Maryke Snyman, enrolled members of staff to complete ODI’s Safety Leadership Skills Programme.

Although this is a carefully selected Skills Programme, the ODI offering is not limited to this one only. Where requested, ODI has clustered certain Unit Standards to specific customer needs. To read more about our Skills Programmes, click here.