Did you know that in Key 9 of the 20 Keys Operations Management System (maintaining machines and equipment), reference is made to the ”3 Evils of Maintenance”?

Research indicates that up to 60% of machine/equipment related problems which affect its availability, performance and quality of product produced, may be due to 3 issues. These issues are called the 3 Evils of Maintenance:
1. Machines/equipment not being kept clean, especially critical parts
2. Machines not being operated correctly, that is, the Standard Operating Procedures for startup, operating and shutting down are not followed
3. The “small” things, are not done regularly and correctly. This depends on the particular machine/equipment and are things like lubrication and other care necessary for optimal performance of the machine/equipment.
The main focus of Key 9 is on improving the effectiveness of machines and equipment. This is done by involving the operators and users of the equipment with first-line maintenance, by doing daily and routine preventive maintenance tasks, and correctly operating equipment, with maintenance artisans and engineers focusing on implementing the maintenance strategy, and using proactive maintenance management methods for sustaining high levels of equipment effectiveness.
The implementation approach to Key 9 of the 20 Keys system is to have a training workshop with the Maintenance function, and identify improvement opportunities based on Key 9 principles, and the check-sheet. Draw up a Key 9 implementation action plan. Train shop-floor teams in relevant principles for implementation. Implement a measurement system for monitoring equipment effectiveness, with relevant KPIs for Maintenance and Production. Apply the CAPDo cycle for the regular review of the Key 9 implementation action plan, as well as achieving the target maturity level of Key 9.

To read more about Kate van der Walt (Nutritionist) from Astral’s Meadows Feed Mill, who joined ODI’s e-learning course for Key 9 of the 20 Keys Management Improvement system, click here.
The 20 Keys system involves all employees in the accomplishment of the overall company goals – improved quality, reduced costs, improved delivery (throughput time) and service, high morale and a safe work environment.