This is the first of a two-part series about ODI and Key 2 & Key 15, of the 20 Keys system for continuous improvement
Keys 2 & 15 of the 20 Keys system for continuous improvement, featured very strongly at ODI’s recent strategy meeting held at The African Pride Irene Country Lodge in Gauteng.
ODI’s Chairman – Roland Röhrs, welcomed the ODI team and quoted Peter Drucker: “Culture eats strategy for breakfast.” To read more about Culture’s role in organisations, click here.
The ODI team then focused on Key 2 of the 20 Keys system for continuous improvement, and it is all about Goal Alignment and rationalising the system.
It focuses on having an effective organisation structure, with goal alignment at all levels. Within the structure, the various work groups are organised as “mini-businesses”, or MBs. Each MB is guided by Quality, Cost, Delivery, Safety and Morale performance indicators (QCDSM measures).
They key concepts of Key 2 are:
- Effective organisation structure, with clearly defined responsibilities
- Coaching on employee performance development
- Defining and cascading vision, mission, values, and goals down to all organisation levels
- Implementing mini-businesses
- Aligning top down leadership, and bottom-up participation
- Implementing a management system for the implementation of the 20 Keys
Keep an eye out for part two of this series about Key 15 of the 20 Keys system for continuous improvement at our recent strategy meeting held at The African Pride Irene Country Lodge in Gauteng.
To read more about ODI’s Continuous Operations Improvement System, click here.
ODI’s benchmark system provides a tool to benchmark organisations against international best practices. It describes the steps towards improvement through 5 levels in each Key, with the use of practical, easy to use checksheets and picture based maps.